Inspired by the tearful adieu by millions from all over the world for the funeral of Mother Teresa on 5th September 1997, our managing trustee and persons having similar personification of love and kindness resolved to be a drop in the vast ocean of service to humanity and carry out the minimum task left by the great mother to the universe, an organization by name "Nobel Laureate Mother Teresa Charitable Trust" came into existence. Since its formation, the Trust has been carrying out the activities of serving the poor and downtrodden in the society, the torch of service left by the Angel of Mercy. Clad in a white, blue-bordered sari, Mother Teresa became a symbol of love, care and compassion for the world. She served the unwanted, unloved and uncared people of the entire world without any bar on religion, region, or ethnic barriers. Mother Teresa was a ray of hope for the aged, the destitute, the unemployed, the diseased, the terminally ill, and abandoned and her bondage for the slum dwellers, war victims, the lepers, the handicapped, the transgender, the children, and the widows leaps no bounds. Mother Teresa charitable Trust and its’ execution wing Mother Teresa Forum carry out her mission throughout the world in her footsteps on the motto of "Service to mankind is Service to God"